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Body Parts

2005-05-07 @ 1:09 p.m.

(All done while fully clothed)

Zoran and Val are lying on the bed.

Z- So what are their names?

V- They don't have a name.

Z- Are you serious?

V- Yes. You can name them if you want.

Z- *Deep thought* ..Holly and Trish.

V- What?! *Turns away in mock disgust.*

Z- What?

V- These are my close friends, I'm not naming them after my close friends.

Z- This is how you keep them close.

V- What close to my heart? (sarcasim)

Z- What better way to keep your friends close to your heart then to name your body parts after them.

*V and Z die laughing*

Z- And your third nipple can be Kyle.

V- oh ya Kyle, you get to be the mole between my breasts.

*V and Z laugh some more*

Z- So, what do I get to be?

*Die of laughter some more*

(later while reading the quote over)

V- *Points to both boobs, referring to nipples.* Zli...Zo.

Z- *gasps and remains silent for a minute or two. Looks at her in astonishment and disgust. Rubs his forehead and bows his head.* Now I really have to change my name.

Z- ..I'm officially a nipple...
