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Wagon Burger

2004-02-27 @ 11:51 p.m.

"Now I live with a couple of Wagon-Burgers"


(Note: Even though Kyle and I haven't heard of this before, Tiff says that apparently "wagon-burner" is a slang thing for First Nations Peoples)

Note Again: I don't know what you're supposed to say. First it was "indian" and then it was "native" and then it was "aboriginal" and then it was "first nations peoples" but I don't know now. Why can't they just have nice simple names like indians from india? Ugh. It's so confusing. I'm just confused. Either way, we, meaning Me, or Tiff or Kyle or Val wouldn't call anyone thinks like "wagone burner" because that's jsut mean and also stupid sounding and offensive. But it was funny when Tori couldn't say it. Apparantly. I wasn't there...
