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Quotebook IV

2004-01-31 @ 2:27 a.m.


From when Holly and Val lived together and Kyle nearly did, and then Jess moved in and we allo forgot..oh..what was her name? Oh... Ummm




"Well, it looked like "started" so I just put that"


"Tell the people that have quotes that we have quotes too."


"I'm gonna take my eyes out!"

-Val, in a "I'll Never Tell" girl voice

"I pretended to cry to hide the fact that I was really sad"


"I wonder if that's her, or her rabbit?"


(slams into doorframe, leans on it, points at highlighter package) "First, I tripped over that! Then I was hiccoughing (looks serious)..I think I really am drunk!"


"Oh my word, is she, like, having world war three up there???"

-Val, about Jenn's bunny

Holly - Look at all this Mac-Tac. It's Mac Tac Heaven!

Val - It's the Mac-Tac Convience store!

Holly - We're just trying to make quotes, aren't we?

Val - You spent nine-o-nine on cheese?

Holly - It's cheeeeeeesy!

Val - You're cheesy!

"Shh! Don't delude my fantasy!"


"We're havin' a lesbien experience in here!"


"Deaf child area! Shhhhh!"


"Hey, did you get this in Chinaland?"


"This thing reminds me of when I was just a young cage dancer!"

-guy on Van Wilder

"Shayna, that is not a prom dress, that is a whore dress"

-someone on SNL

"Freud used to live with Mr Wilson"


"Tooth in the meat"


"Excuse me? Japan? Mizuki is out of control, on drugs, and addicted to sex. We are sending her back"


"My mother was an environmentalist. She drove an electric car. And one day she got real depressed and drove it into a puddle and electricuted herself. That's why I drive a GAS PROPELLED HUMMER!"

-Oprah, on Mad TV

"So what if he's a little..old?"


"Valerie, what else was in your crotch kit?"

-Kyle (a very bad freudian slip)

Holly - Where are the CHAINS!?

Kyle - Where are the TRINIDAD AND TOBEGOANS!?

Holly - Where's the moose?

Kyle - It's on the loose!

"The UNB paper is free, but the Gleaner is more expensive!"

-The Dean of Arts

"God! That's fun!"


"That won't make a muffin, it will make a cookie!"


"Harlet Irving Library"

-Kyle, renaming the Harriet Irving Library

"If someone's willing to run after you and kill you, I think they would be willing to knock down your drawer"

-Holly (I said DOOR!!!)

Kyle- What would happen if we cooked the muffins too long?

Holly&Val - They'd get BURNT!!?!?!

"It's Mac Tac IDOL!"




"Vagas-Mom! Come back!"

-Val and her T.V. Accent

Val - My heart is outside my chest! I'm wearing my heart on my sleeve!

Holly- You don't HAVE any sleeves!

Val - I'm wearing my heart on Kyle's sleeve!

"This horse doesn't need any energy?"


"What did Kyle say that was so funny..."


"You could have short little-DOES HE BLINK????!?!?!?"


Kyle - He's wearing one of those striped shirts that French people wear.

Val&holly - HE'S FRENCH!

"It's the Matrix-PHONEBOOTH!!!"


Val - I don't go for younger guys

Kyle - You don't go for ANY guys, Val!

"We don't have any quotes from the Mosh Pit!!!"

-Holly (because we don't and it needs to be remembered in quoteland)

"They're like piniata rabbits!"




"I only say "Hello" to people who say "Hello" back to me"


Kyle - That pregnant girl can't do anything! She can't sing, she can't drive...

Val - All she can do is get raped!

"Gaad that's cute!"

-Kyle (everywhere, at everything, for perhaps a month)


-Ghandi..no, Nelson Mandella!...no.. It was my sister (Holly's)

"I want a red bra. Not cherry, like FIRETRUCK red!!!"

-Guy in LaSenza

"I'm using this giraffe to wipe my eyes that were crying"


Kyle- BAM!

Holly - It's a giraffe gun

Kyle - You don't shoot giraffes with it, it IS a giraffe!



"Oh, I was working at the cash register, I just wansn't touching the cash register."


Kyle - Some little kid probably took hours to make those socks

Val - Well, they did a good job!

(and about three hours later)

Val - They didn't do a very good job on this tank though!

Kyle (singing) - All horses need a tail

Val (also singing) - To tell to someone else!

"This picture's so funny! Amanda's so happy, and I have a bomb in my mouth!"


"I just stepped on the Lord of the Rings!"


"I still have to measure the wah-tor"


"I don't hang out with poot smockhers!"


"You're evil Evil-Girl!"


"That was the friendliest robot I ever met!"

-Kyle (about a phone message)

Kyle - What does chocolate have to do with whores?

Val - They eat it! Don't you watch the movies!

"Stop that paper-monkey!"


"You need a good rape"

-Val (to Holly)

"My men don't love me, they won't stay up!"

-Val (about her falling down posters)

Holly - Could you stop raping me, you're ugly

Val - Now you're friend over there


-Someone on Survivor

"Dig the fire pit, old lady!"

-Someone else on Survivor

"Wow! A woo hoo! A honk! An a Thumbs up! Hgih Five for going out!"

-Val, or Holly..we had a fight about it

"You have to die before you'll get respect."

-Kyle, when he was thinking..see, that's what happens when Kyle thinks, bad things.

"Yes, that's a knitting bag. Stop kicking it! Stop KICKING THE KNICKET!"


Holly - You just threw a NEEDLE at VALERIE!

Kyle - That needle was not sharp!

Holly - She didn't trade in this picture!

Val - Well, no

(Kyle (as we transcribe)- What the hell was that about?

Holly - I don't know...)

"I'm so overcome with knitting!"


Holly - Guess what we'll have tomorrow? Three guesses.

Kyle - Ice cream cake?

Holly - No

Kyle - A Baby?

Val - No

Kyle - A pizza

Val - No

"You look like some eccentric old fool!"

- Val

"I love my boots. They were $80.00. That's $30.00 over the Christmas Maximum!"


Maggie - What do we do when we're done the five questions?

Saibei - Ooooooo! Ok!

"If we get the bonus question wrong, do we lose marks?"

-Dumb lisping girl in Holly's math class

Val - Cirque de la moon! Cirque de la lune! Cirque de lune!

Kyle - Cirque de poisson! Cirque de dindon!

Holly - Cirque de poupee!



"There are undergraduate - oop!..there are undergraduate - oops! There are underGROUND! storage spaces to store the radioactive materials in!"

-Holly's Math Prof

"Well, the rules are not, like, from another world you know!"

-Holly's Math Prof, on derivative rules

"You know I also got a degree in education. I got my BEd, and that is where I learned what is wrong with me!"

-Holly's Math Prof

Holly - Now you have to swirl it over your head!

Maggie - I hate you! I'm going to stab you! Where's my pencil sharpener?

Holly - You can't stab me with a pencil sharpener!

Maggie - No! I'm gonna stab you with a sharp pencil!

"Were you in the woods when we were throwing marshmallows at each other?"


(Kyle (as we are transcribing) - That's like, a mystery quote!)

"...The black upright potato...I mean piano.."


"Smoking and drinking pot"


"Jacob isn't bi, he's gay

He told me that, the other day!"

-Holly's poem

"Muslims sing???"


Jess - I was being serious though!

Holly - I know, that happens a lot

"Read the quotes food bitch!"


"One time my cousin fell off the side of that slide, then he moved to Moncton."


"I want some Nit Pig! I mean, Egg Nog!"


"Wooo! Whore family!"


"Ow! What is that feeling?"


"Here's your fiance, and the man you're going to marry"

-Jeff Probst

"Stop that! You're making the lights dim!"


"Look at that hanging baby!"


"Don't make the Christmas Angel frown down on you!"


"Ron weasley never stabbed me in the crotch. Lockey stabbed me in the boob!"


"I don't wanna listen to stupid dead Elvis!"


"Jesus was not like Michael Jackson!"


"There's summin in my belly! And it's not a baby!"

-Holly's Grammie

"Kyle are you going to go hump Nikyle?"


"Everytime I wanna do something, somebody dies!!"


"The female black jewish ninja!"

-Girl on SNL

"I really don't like when people just take my stuff and put it on their Christmas tree!"


"The black eyed...black...Pea!"


"Supa supa crossa!"

-Holly's Grammie

"I don't need a wind in my ear!"


"You'll never be ready for these hips!"


"She can't ave a hairy butt and have puppies!"


"It's like one of those chocolate oranges, only it's real and disgusting!"

